Welcome Volunteer Coordinator

Welcome Volunteer Coordinator

Welcome Laura Ver Straten! We are thrilled to introduce Laura as our new Volunteer Coordinator. Laura brings with her years of employment in human services and generous volunteer experience. When we met Laura it was clear she is the special person needed to connect...
Employee Anniversary: Allen Bloodworth (2008)

Employee Anniversary: Allen Bloodworth (2008)

Allen has been with the Iron County Care and Share since May 29, 2008. As the Shelter Coordinator, he oversees the shelter monitors, the shelter kitchen and pantry and coordinates all the meals in shelter. He has a multitude of skills and can fix and/or install nearly...

April 2017 Pantry and Shelter by the Numbers

Received 45,317 into our warehouse Distributed 37,183 lbs of food Served 2,121 people in 125 households through our pantry Welcomed 49 NEW clients Shared 374 sack lunches Utilized 663 hours of volunteer power Supported 373 nights of Emergency Shelter, including 65...
The Renter Toolkit

The Renter Toolkit

The Utah Housing Coalition offers a useful resource in addressing the interests of both landlords and tenants that acts as a guide to being successful in rental housing. Iron County Care and Share encourages you to download, read and use this toolkit to move toward...