
$60,000 in rental assistance will be invested into our community by way of the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and paid directly to our local property owners between June 2019 and May 2020. Iron County Care and Share applies for and facilitates these funds for Iron County and serves over 100 households with the grant funds. The rental assistance funds are a portion of the grant received, and are strictly used for rental assistance ONLY. 

The Housing and Community Development Division (HCDD) provides a lifeline of support to service organizations, throughout the state, that focus on ending homelessness. On the HCDD website, the Division Director Jonathan Hardy shares their valuable functions:

  • Helps communities with their infrastructure, bonding ability and basic community services — fueling healthy communities and a healthy economy.
  • Gives critical assistance to communities with some of their toughest community problems, like hunger, homelessness and domestic violence
  • Provides tools and resources for developing affordable housing.
  • Directly helps homeowners reduce energy bills and improve their living conditions.
  • Administers a wide array of federal grants, making funding available to a number of Utah communities, and offers training and technical assistance to make it possible and easier for communities to receive funding.
  • Uses state dollars wisely: for every state dollar we spend, Utahns receive over ten dollars worth of value in return, and many programs will yield even more for years to come. HCD’s Regional Rural Planners help rural communities use resources to the best advantage, multiplying investment.

Home KeyThe objectives of the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program include increasing the availability and quality of emergency shelter and transitional housing facilities for homeless individuals and families, support the operation of the facilities, provide essential (wrap-around) social services and provide help to prevent homelessness.

The four main ESG Program eligible activities are homelessness prevention, essential (wrap-around) social services for clients, support operational and maintenance functions of facilities, and the renovation, rehabilitation, and conversion of properties for communities.

The ESG funds granted to our community are often the piece of assistance needed to bring individuals and families out of crisis and support them on the road to self-sustainability.

If you know someone in need of support, please encourage them to contact our Housing Case Manager: Lee Larson, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at (435) 586-5142.